About us
The Idea of a pre-school for Rajahmundry was first conceived by Mrs.Lalitha Gathey M.A(Litt), who then established Priyanka Educational Society The Foundation then started Priyanka Pre-School in 1991 and just recently was renamed as Priyanka Apple Valley Pre-School.
We make sure the child’s rational development happens right from the tender stage. Its where their smart minds need attention and our pre-school ought to be the ideal choice rather than a regular school.”
Apple-Valley has been providing high quality education in a warm and caring atmosphere for the past 20 years. All zones of a Child’s growth and development are given equal importance. Apple-Valley caters exclusively for the Nursery,LKG and UKG children.
We ensure each child develops a broad and balanced range of concepts and skills before their elementary education level. We give your child a head start in the process of learning. www.applevalleypreschool.com